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05 април

On April 3th and 4th, 2023, the Kick – off meeting of the Erasmus+ project entitled “DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF METACOGNITIVE PROBLEM-BASED MODULES IN BLENDED LEARNING COURSES IN MEDICAL SCIENCES – ProBLeMS” was held at the Faculty of Medicine Foca, University of East Sarajevo. The University of East Sarajevo is the coordinator of the project and the leader of the first work package. In addition to the coordinator, the following project partners also attended the meeting:

University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria
University of Montenegro, Montenegro
University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo*
International Business College Mitrovica, Kosovo*
Biomedical Informatics and Statistics Association of the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institute for Public Health of Montenegro, Montenegro

At the meeting, the project partners presented themselves, distributed obligations and responsibilities for certain project activities. The membership was appointed and the managers of the project’s management bodies were elected. Also, work packages with activities and outcomes within the work packages, administrative procedures, risk management plan, as well as a plan for communication and quality assurance are presented in detail.